
Bear Hunting

While us girls were at Yoga Luke and Levi decided to go out for awhile glassing. They saw a big bear track and Lukes exact words were ,"How crazy would it be to see that bear the first day out hunting and we shoot him?" They were glassing up on a hill and spotted a bear. They waited for it to come out of the bushes. The bear finally came out from the bushes and Luke shot him and he rolled down the hill so they went to go trail him and Luke was surprised to see it 5 yards in front of him and shot him again because he was coming towards him. So to make a long story short we didn't get home until about 1 in the morning from packing out the bear.


Tawny Antelman said...

haha YOU KILLERS jk! Poor bear tho, looks like a decent size bear! Thats funny that he wanted to go out and search for one and kill it and thats just what he did! You should make that into a rug for your wall or floor! DOOO IT! haha

Christen & Aaron said...

Wow!! That is a big bear!!

Sheyla said...

Tawn dog! We already have a bear up on the wall lol. He wants to make that one a life size one! I told him we better get a bigger house first!

Tawny Antelman said...

time for a new post :)

devon said...

sheyla hall! helloooo. can i just tell you that i am EXTREMELY jealous of all the dead animals you have. i want their heads on wall so bad. i miss the payson days! ps congrats on the marriage-sad its been that long.