My cousin Jimmie asked me if I would come down for the week and be his little dispatcher for him at Nascar. At first I thought that it was going to be super boring but it actually turned out to be really fun. He owns a water company so I was in charge of taking the phone calls and sending out the guys to the different campsites to fill up their camp trailers, etc. Luke came down the second day I was there to keep me company. We had workers passes so we could go wherever we wanted there. The coolest place to go was the Bashas tent!! It was awesome. I got a nice sprinkled donut every morning then I had to cut myself off! The pit was pretty sweet. Thats where all the drivers stay and all the rich people. So we just drove around inside there and got to see all the sweet cars and be right on the race track! I can't wait for the big race in November now. It is going to be a lot of fun!
Th big race on Saturday night. The grandstands were so packed! We just sat up on the hill where the maintanence yard was. It was much better.
The pit in the middle.
They lit off fireworks just before the really big race on Saturday. I thought this picture turned out pretty sweet.

That is cool!!! Four in the morning is not cool!! But the rest seems like a lot of fun!! Nothing is better than all the food you want and you don't have to pay for it!!!
I agree with Christine.. I wouldnt be fond of the waking up at FOUR part.. but the free good part, nothing gets better than that!!
YOU LOOK SOOOO TAN!!!!!!!!!!!!
cute post!
Keep em coming
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